I'm a third year Photography in the Arts student, studying at Swansea Metropolitan University of Wales Trinity Saint David. I am working as a Photography intern for Cup of Daisies. My personal work is mainly portraiture, through Cup of Daisies I have been able to continue that interest, develop my portfolio and continue meeting new people.
Working as an intern involves photographing people wearing Cup of Daisies products in the street and in a studio. In order to get models I have to approach strangers, and engage with them, discussing the company and the charities it is working for. I aim to approach 'stylish' looking people, to create a stylish portrait. Although fashion is a new area to me, I felt it came quite natural, it was easy to spot someone who fashionably stood out. In my personal work I usually enjoy working in the studio more, however working for Cup of Daisies I enjoy the street photography more. This is because I enjoy meeting new people, and directing them to pose for me is more of a challenge when it is a stranger and not a professional model.

In my personal work I have always been interested in expressing and portraying different aspects of the human mind through photography and video. The human face is something that has always attracted me in photography, the skin lines, textures and expressions all intrigue me.

Is a portraiture series which capture the subject's in an unconscious state, whilst they are talking about the moment they became victims of crime. I aim to capture facial expressions that usually go unnoticed in real life, moments where the face depicts more about how the subject feels then what they actually say.
The connection between the subject and the photographer I feel is important. To capture 'the real' or as close to it, the subject needs to feel comfortable this will enable them to open up more. Working with Cup of Daisies has allowed me to continue working with strangers as I have in this series.
My practise has developed into moving image, but still focuses on the human face.
This is still work in progress, but it will be shown in an exhibition at Free Range London, the faces will be shown on screens across from each other, not next to each other as seen below.
The subjects are filmed whilst discussing a traumatic event they have been through. The final piece will encompass sound as well as visuals similar to this. This years project; Inexpressible portrays the present person revealing their innermost thoughts through their eyes. Other video portraits, include the subject staring back at the camera, unflinching and another of someone breaking down crying. This questions the morals of photography and the viewer.
Artist whom have inspired me include:
Bettina Von- Zwehl- Alina
She photographs her subjects in complete darkness, whilst playing music, this is one method of capturing someone's unconscious. It is these types of methods that I find are important in portraiture.
Anna Linderstam
Linderstam photographs people whilst they are hypnotised, this is another great technique to capture the subject in their unconscious.
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